Dear User, Email Server Application is under maintenance process. Due to this the email service will be interrupted till 20.11.2019.Kindly use alternate email or message board for important communication.Inconvenience caused is highly regretted.
We are delighted to announce the launch of our refurbished and revamped website in a new look. The new website has a clean, uncluttered design, improved functionality...
UPAVP believe in creating a home or an office based on understanding of consumer needs and preferences. Properties are developed only after extensive market research is carried out to determine consumer needs and projects are designed and implemented as per consumer preferences.
UPAVP shall strive its best to ensure affordable housing in environmentally invigorating habitats with inclusive facilities especially for the economically weaker section, low and middle income groups and competitive price options for the other sections of the society. Read More...
updated on : 22/03/2025
updated on : 01/03/2025
updated on : 26/02/2025
updated on : 22/02/2025
updated on : 06/09/2024
updated on : 01/11/2021
updated on : 13/09/2021
updated on : 05/10/2018